Meet Our Scholars
We empower students
by seeking out local businesses and community leaders who donate to our foundation and provide
College scholarships
Did you know?
We have provided 60 students scholarships totaling $45,000 in awards
since our Non-Profit was founded.

Cameron Lighthart
$500 2019 Scholarship Raffle Winner
Cameron is a senior at the Governor's STEM Academy at Landstown High School. He will be graduating in June 2020 and plans to study Aerospace Engineering and/or Modeling and Simulation Engineering at either Virginia Tech or Old Dominion University.

Malique Hawkins
2018 What's Next Initiative
$500 scholarship sponsored by Shared Expressions
Malique Hawkins is 17years old and a recent graduate of the Governor’s STEM Academy and GrassfieldHigh School, in Chesapeake, VA, where he graduated with a 4.5 cumulative GPA and 18 college credits. Malique was also Grassfield High School's Homecoming King and Prom King, a student delegate, varsitybasketball player, and recipient of Grassfield High School’s Community ofExcellence Award. Malique currently attends North Carolina A&T and is double majoring in business management and masscommunications. Malique is also a motivational speaker, YouTuber, thefounder-CEO of The Movement Clothing, and a professional actor with 15 years of varied experience in stage, television, film, and print.

Nikita M. Van Kirk
$500 Spring 2019
Scholarship Raffle Winner
​Nikita M. Van Kirk Senior at Granby High School, plans to attend Virginia Military Institute and study History and Psychology

Jada Palmer
$500 Scholarship Winner
Sponsored by Charles Barker
Jada was the recipient of the $500 Charles Barker Community Service Scholarship. She will be attending Hampton University and studying Chemical Engineering. She is the Co-President of the Williamsburg James City County Community Action Agency Project Discovery of Virginia Program Advisory Board. This is a postsecondary education access program offered to predominately low to moderate income students and/or prospective first-generation college students in grades 6 to 12. She helps students by organizing college campus visits, presenting college success workshops, and assisting ninety percent of students with completing a Free Application for Free Student Aid (FAFSA).

Raechel Tomlin
$500 Community Service Scholarship Winner
Raechel was the recipient of the $500 Community Service scholarship for $500 in 2018. She is in her freshman year at Old Dominion University studying to become a Dental Hygienist.

Kimberly Whitaker
$500 Single Parent
Sponsored by An International Creation Scholarship Winner
Kimberly was the recipient of the $500 Single parent scholarship for $500 in 2018. She is in her sophomore year in Graphic Design at Tidewater Community College, and is a mother of two.

Ayinde Bradford
$500 Scholarship Winner
Sponsored By Virginia Photos and Films
Ayinde was the recipient of the $500 Marshall Arts Scholarship for 2018. He was a High School Sophomore when selected. He plans to study Graphic Design and Architecture when he enters college.

Abigail Moore
$500 Scholarship Winner
Sponsored by Bill Duncan Photography
From Chesapeake, Virginia, Abigail Moore is a junior at the University of Northern Iowa pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in violin performance. Abigail currently plays with the Northern Iowa Symphony Orchestra and has also performed with the Virginia Symphony, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony, and Dubuque Symphony Orchestra. Abigail is a Chesapeake Fine Arts Competition winner and a finalist for the last two years in the Instrumental Concerto Competition at UNI. After receiving her bachelor’s degree, Abigail will continue her education to receive a master’s degree and audition for a permanent position in an orchestra.

Eva Marie McEwen
$500 Higher Learning Scholarship Winner
Eva was the recipient of the $500 2018 Higher Learning scholarship. She will be attending Eastern Virginia Medical School to study to become a Physicians Assistant. She is a graduate student.

Tyler Jones
$500 Scholarship Winner
Sponsored by Turntine Insurance
Tyler will be attending Hampden-Sydney College as a sophomore. He will be studying education with the aspiration of becoming a teacher. He was the recipient of the 2018 Turntine Inc. Scholarship for $500.

Sarah Thompson
$500 Scholarship Winner
Sarah will be a freshman at William & Mary majoring in music & Neuroscience. Sarah plays several instruments including the ukulele, clarinet, violin, & piano. She has been playing instruments since 6 years old. She has actively been a part of the Gloucester Marching Dukes Band & the Gloucester Wind Ensemble. She was involved in the TRI-M Music Society, the National Honors Society, and BETA club, National Honors Society, National Spanish Honors Society, and the Courthouse Community Orchestra.

Kiarra Terry
$500 Scholarship Winner
Kiarra has extreme perseverance and is currently on Deans List at Radford University. She is pursuing a degree in Human Performance & Sports Administration while pursuing her dream of coaching for a professional NBA team. She currently works two jobs while in school.

Ayanna Harris
$1000 Dr. Milton R Liverman Memorial Scholarship Winner
Ayanna Harris was an honor graduate from Nansemond River High School. Ayanna was also a member of the National Honor Society and a part of Project Lead the Way (a four-year engineer program). Ayanna attends North Carolina A & T State University majoring in Bioengineering. She was the recipient of the $1000 Dr. Liverman Scholarship.

Madelyn Grace Carr
$1500 Dr. Milton R Liverman Memorial Scholarship Winner
Madelyn is attending Longwood university pursuing a Bachelor of Science.

Benjamin Atteberry
$500 Latino Leader Scholarship Winner
Sponsored by The Hispanic Leadership Forum of Hampton Roads
Ben was a recipient of the Latino Leader award as a senior in Kecoughtan High School Architectural and Applied Arts Governor’s STEM Academy. He currently attends Virginia Tech as a freshman majoring in Architectural Engineering.

Isabella Kim
$500 Scholarship Winner
Sponsored by Key to Travel
Isabella Kim $500 Key To Travel
Isabella Kim is currently a senior at Virginia Tech majoring in Biological Sciences with a minor in Medicine and Society. At Virginia Tech she serves as the Student Conduct Committee Chair, Student Advisory Board for Career Services, undergraduate teaching assistant for VT Biology, and a global International Service Learning ambassador. After graduation, she hopes to attend Physician's Assistant school.

Imani Sanders
$2000 IVET Scholarship Winner
Imani Sanders $2000 IVET Scholar
Imani is an active member of the Smithfield Beta Club, Leo Club and Ignition Mentoring. In high school she took Advanced Placement and accelerated college courses, and graduated high school with a 4.37 GPA. She now attends the University of Virginia with the goal of becoming a doctor and medical researcher.

Alaya Fraizer
$500 Scholarship Raffle Winner
Alaya Frazier is a sophomore at Oscar Frommel Smith High School in Chesapeake, Virginia. She is enrolled in the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program and is taking Honors English, History, and Science. Alaya has a GPA of 3.69 and is a member of the Oscar Smith College Club, Oscar Smith Track and Field Team and the Oscar Smith Cross Country Team. She is currently applying to participate in the Virginia Space Coast Scholars STEM program. She was the 2017 Fair Raffle Winner.

Tyana Jernigan
$1000 IVET Scholarship Winner
Tyana Jernigan $1000 IVET Scholar

Myles Copeland
$1000 Dr. Milton R Liverman Memorial Scholarship Winner
Myles is attending Norfolk State University in Pre-Nursing.

Sonya Medina
$500 Learning Differently Scholarship Winner
Sponsored by Chesapeake Bay Academy
Sonya was the recipient of the Learning Differently Scholarship for 2018 for $500. She is a senior at Kecoughtan High School and has Stage Four MoyaMoya Disease. She has a 3.58 GPA and is enrolled in Honors and Dual Enrollment classes. Upon graduation from high school she will have 22 college credits at Thomas Nelson Community College. She plans to transfer from TNC to Virginia Commonwealth University to study Psychology.

Lauren Cossel
$1000 IVET Scholarship Winner
Kiarra has extreme perseverance and is currently on Deans List at Radford University. She is pursuing a degree in Human Performance & Sports Administration while pursuing her dream of coaching for a professional NBA team. She currently works two jobs while in school.

Johana Lachere
$350 Latino Leader Scholarship
Sponsored by The Hampton Roads
Johana was part of the Technology Student Association as the secretary in 10th grade, then as the vice-president in 11th grade and finally as the President in 12th grade. She has been a part of the Professional Peruvian Dance Institutions, Centro Cultural Peru, and Ritmos del Peru and Raices y Expresiones del Peru. Since becoming a DACA student she has worked incredibly hard and is achieving above a 3.0 GPA. She is a student a Tidewater Community College majoring in Engineering.

Evan Chase
$500 Military Family Scholarship Winner
While he was a student at Lake Braddock Secondary School Evan was part of the National Honor Society, an AP Scholar with Distinction, a National Merit Commended Student, and received Lake Braddock’s Principal’s Award. He has been involved in Cross Country and Track since the 8th grade, helping his Lake Braddock teams win two 6A Virginia State Cross Country championships. He is now a freshman at Georgia Tech.

Jocelyn Edwards
$500 Learning Differently Scholarship Winner
Jocelyn was the recipient of the $500 Learning Differently Scholarship as a student with autism. She aspires to become a certified public accountant and currently has a 3.8 GPA. In High School she was part of the Anime Club, Tri-M Honor Society, National Honor Society, and the school Choir. She currently attends Longwood University.

Devon Edward Morris
$500 Turntine Scholarship Winner
DeVon Morris was a senior at Lakeland High School when he received the Turntine scholarship. He was a member of Varsity Basketball Team and National Honors Society. He graduated with Honors. DeVon also was a Dual Enrollment student while in HS at Paul D. Camp Community College and received his Associates Degree. He is now attending North Carolina A&T University and majoring in Engineering.

Grady Flint
$500 Scholarship Raffle Winner
Grady Flint, was a senior at Ocean Lakes High School when he won the Scholarship Raffle at the Scholarship Fair. He is now a freshman studying atmospheric science and meteorology at Old Dominion University.

Micalah Morrison
$1000 IVET Scholarship Winner
Micalah is currently studying a triple major in Biomedical engineering, Mechanical engineering, and Robotics at
Widener University. She hopes to create prosthetic limbs for veterans after graduation since she herself is a military child.

Aaron Hodges
$1500 IVET Scholarship Winner
Aaron is attending Harvard this year as a freshman majoring in Bio-Medical engineering.

Erika Hernandez
$350 Scholarship Winner
Erika is currently attending Virginia Commonwealth University majoring in Biology and Pre-Physical Therapy. She was the Treasurer for the student class of 2017 at Robert E. Lee High School and was part of Lee Leaders, and the student Prom Committee and Pep Club. Working with Impact VA she did mission work to rebuild low-income homes, packed meals for children of low-income families.

Elijah Chusan
$350 Latino Leader Scholarship Winner
Elijah was the JV/Varsity football team captain, and an AVID student. He volunteers with the Red Cross, and the Freshman Homecoming Court. He currently has Bluefield College as his top choice school and is interested in majoring in business.

Chase Cohen
$500 Scholarship Raffle Winner
Chase received a $500 scholarship which was randomly raffled during our Scholarship Fair. This was sponsored by Innovative Twist a local company supporting our community. He is a High School Freshman at Green Run Collegiate where he is an International Baccalaureate student. He is planning on becoming a scientist and engineer. He is heavily involved in Boy Scouts and will soon become an Eagle Scout. He loves scuba diving, snowboarding, and learning about Greek and Roman mythology.

Kevin Wiggins
$300 Scholarship Raffle Winner
Kevin won the $300 raffle scholarship during College success Day. He is a member of The National Beta Club, the high school Scholastic Bowl team, played on the Varsity Volleyball tam, and was in the International Baccalaureate Program. He will attend Old Dominion University as a freshman this year majoring in Communications.

Ezoza Nomazova
$500 Scholarship Winner
Ezoza is a Sophomore in the honors college at VCU studying Bio-medical Engineering. She volunteers at Johnston-Willis Hospital, & plays piano at the assisted living facility Spring Arbor. She is the Scholarship Chair at Enhancing Children’s Living, & the Public Co-Chair at Health Occupations Students of America. Being trilingual in Russian, English, Uzbek she assists translating for refugee families through Catholic Charities. She dreams of opening her own medical practice as an obstetrician.

Teresa Hickman
$500 Scholarship Raffle Winner
Teresa Hickman is a Junior at Armstrong High School. She attended the 2016 College Success Day where she won the scholarship raffle. Teresa will be a freshman at Radford University to pursue a medical degree and become a neonatal surgeon. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Skills USA, & the National Technical Honors Society due to her academics at the Richmond Technical Center. She also won 2nd place in the City of Richmond's Poster Contest for National Crime Victims' Rights Week.

Alex Montanez
$300 Get Creative Scholarship
Alex is a recent graduate of the Virginia Arts Institute of Virginia Beach with his Bachelors in Media Arts and Animation. He is now pursuing his Masters of Fine Arts in Visual Effect and a minor in video games design at the University of Savannah College of Art and Design. He received the $300 Get Creative Scholarship for beautifully designing the logo for Scholarship Sharing.

Mercedez James
$250 Scholarship Winner
Mercedez was a Junior at VCU when she received our award. She was studying Exercise science to pursue a career in Physical therapy with a minor in psychology. She was a Dean's List student for three consecutive years and was awarded the outstanding international baccalaureate award in psychology. She works part time in the VCU student commons break-point where she won the Employee of the month designation.

Gabriel RedCross
$500 Community Service Scholarship
Gabrielle recieved a $500 Community Service Scholarship for her immense amount of volunteerism in the community. She was an Inter-baccalaureate student at Garfield High School when she received the award. She currently attends Bridgewater College studying Digital Media Marketing with an emphasis on Nonprofit Communications.

Khudia Taveer
$500 Scholarship Winner
Khudai is Senior at Meadowbrook High as an International Baccalaureate Candidate and will graduate with two consecutive diplomas. She plans to attend VCU as a dual major in Pre-med Biology & Foreign Affairs with a concentration in International Studies. Her goal is to one day become a cardiologist, and be able to advocate for those in need internationally. She is president of The Future Business Leaders of America, National Honor Society co-president, and is the secretary for Delta Epsilon Chi.

Madeline Manion
$500 Scholarship Winner
Madeline was a VCU Junior who is majoring in Pre-Health when we awarded her this scholarship. She recently was accepted to her Doctor of Physical Therapy at University of California San Francisco. While completing rigorous yoga teacher training, countless workshops and continuing education classes she developed a wholehearted love of anatomy and a deep interest in injury treatment and prevention.

Rylee Charbenuea
$500 Scholarship Winner
Rylee received the $500 Christian Sidings scholarship for her elevator pitch at the 2015 Scholarship Fair. She was a High School Senior enrolled at Floyd E. Kellam High School. She is currently at La Salle University majoring in nutrition and dietetics.

Agustin Hussain
$500 Scholarship Winner
A VCU sophomore in Criminal Justice with a minor in Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness with a 3.56 gpa. He is currently building his career by interning in the uniform division of the FBI. He is a member of Eta Lambda Sigma and Filipino Americans Coming Together. His senior year at Curtis HS he received the Varsity letter for over 340 hours of community service, working with youth in juvenile diversion court & the sheriff community academy.

Ana Gomez
$1500 Scholarship Winner
Ana received this scholarship Junior year at VCU while studying Bilingual Business Administration. She has since graduated and now works as a professional interpreter for the Hispanic community, especially for individuals in low-income areas. She was the first college graduate in her family. As the oldest of three, her goal is to be a good role model for her siblings so one day they will also aspire to achieve higher education.

Olivia Richardson
$500 Scholarship Winner
Olivia received the Charles Barker Champions for Kids Scholarship awarded at our 2015 Scholarship Fair. She was a Deep Creek High School senior with a 4.1 GPA. She is a Freshman at Hawai'i Pacific University majoring in International Relations. She created the Adopt-A-Child program within her high school where she has helped dozens of Foster Care children to receive Christmas presents each year, and started a tradition which will continue even after her graduation.

Alyssa Daniels
$500 Scholarship Winner
Alyssa currently is a Junior at Spelman College. She received the award as a Cosby High School Senior enrolled in Honors, Dual Enrollment, and AP classes with a 4.09 GPA. A member of the Junior Varsity and Varsity cheering team, National Honors Society, BETA, and DECA.

Alexander Sarrain
$500 Scholarship Winner
Alexander is a graduate of the Americas Bicultural School with a 3.6 GPA. He currently attends the Art Institute of Houston. He is an aspiring digital arts animation & motion picture arts major. He was the Head of the school advertisement team & the president and founder of the Business Entrepreneur's team. His organization received 1st place Junior Achievement at the business competition through his school, and 2nd place in the University of Monterrey National Business competition.

Tom Godon
$500 Scholarship Winner
Tom is a Junior at Cosby High School & hopes to attend Christopher Newport University to study mass communication with a focus on advertising. He has been an Honor Roll Student since 2011 & has a GPA 3.76 GPA with an Advanced Diploma Curriculum. He is a leader in Boy Scouts of America including Range Chief, Historian, Patrol Leader. After completing over 130 hours of service he received Gold Palm Rank. He has a black belt in Taekwondo, plays lacrosse, & is part of the INTL Thespian Society.

Jacob Cardwell
$500 Scholarship Winner
Jake received our award while a sophomore at the Math and Science High School. He will major in Engineering & Computer Science at U of R. He took all honors courses, as well as AP courses achieving a 4.46 GPA. He stays active in his community by volunteering at the local food bank, and plays the Bass Guitar in the Youth Band at Ironbridge Baptist Church. He is also a member of the Clover Hill Cross Country team and an 11 year swimmer and current team captain of the Chester Dolphins Swim Team.

Carlos Gonzales
$500 Scholarship Winner
Carlos won this scholarship as a Freshman at the University of Maryland studying Computer Science and Finance. He will be graduating with his B.S. in Computer Science and B.A. in Economics this Fall. He has won 2nd place in the national Ability One Design Challenge competition for Outstanding Engineering Design. He interned at NIH doing bioinformatics research. He also received the College Board Award for outstanding performance and the National AP scholar award.

Brandon Eley
$1000 Dr. Milton R Liverman Memorial Scholarship Winner
Brandon will be attending the University of Virginia. He received the $1000 Dr. Liverman Scholarship in 2018.

Nicole Page
$500 Scholarship Winner
Nicole was a sophomore at Old Dominion University when she received this award. She will graduate this year with her Bachelors in Mass Communications with aspirations to one day become a journalist. She loves to volunteer her time in the community and is a mentor to freshman students in the "Monarch2Monarch" program. She has also volunteered with The Union Missions Ministries in Norfolk to help gather and arrange clothing for those in need.

Christina Garland
$500 Scholarship Winner
Christina was a Senior at VCU studying Foreign Language with a Spanish concentration. She received her Translation and Interpretation Certification in May 2013, & graduated with her Masters in Teaching Elementary Education in 2014. She volunteers as a Adult English teacher at the Bridge ECN, & was a mathematics & reading tutor through Richmond Public Schools. She was a Student Aid through the Beulah Elementary School ESL program. She was a Track Team member, & INTL Golden Key Honor Society.

Lo-Ann Francois
$500 Scholarship Winner
Lo-Anne was a Junior at Henrico High when she received this award. She is an aspiring OBGYN! She is currently enrolled in at James Madison University. In High school she attended a Nurse Aid class and maintained a 3.8 Gpa while taking 3 honors courses. She volunteered to refurbish homes on mission trips. She is a member of Hockey & Softball, Key Club, Gospel Choir, and Tech Ethics. She also works two part time jobs to save for her college education.Lo-Ann Francois $500 Scholarship

Ashley Bido
$1000 Dr. Milton R Liverman Memorial Scholarship Winner
Ashley attends the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She received a $1000 Dr. Liverman Scholarship in 2018.

Ryan Wayne Wright
$1000 Dr. Milton R Liverman Memorial Scholarship Winner
Ryan will be attending as a freshman at Longwood University towards his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration.